Algo para recordar (Sleepless in Seattle)
Alemania título: Schlaflos in Seattle
Francés título: Nuits blanches à Seattle
Griego título: Άγρυπνος στο Σιάτλ
Rusia título: Неспящие в Сиэтле
Título original: Sleepless in Seattle
Título alternativas:
Sintonía de amor | La magie du destin | Agrypnos sto Seattle | Αγρυπνος στο Seattle | Άγρυπνος στο Seattle | Αγρυπνος στο Σιατλ | Αγρυπνος Στο Σηατλ
Komödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1992
Duración: 125 minutos
Dirección: Nora Ephron
Fotografía: Sven Nykvist
Música: Marc Shaiman
After his wife died, Sam Baldwin did not think about other women. His 8-year old son Jonah thinks that his father needs a woman in order to get his life back in order and calls in on a nation-wide radio-show. The voice and story of Sam is heard by hundreds of women, including Annie Reed, who is about to marry her fiancé Walter soon. She can’t find a rest until she really knows for sure that Sam Baldwin is not the one person for her. Thus, Annie travels to Seattle, where Sam and Jonah live, and there decides that Sam is not the one. The letter she never sent was posted by a friend of Annie, and therefore Jonah, who feels that she’s the one for his dad, already booked a flight to New York in order to meet her on the roof of the Empire State building. Of course, his father follows him instantly.
Chicos actores
Ross Malinger(Jonah Baldwin, 8 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 07.07.1984
Edad del actor:
sobre 8 año
Más información
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